
Case Report

Laparoscopic surgical treatment of median arcuate ligament syndrome with the retrograde division technique: a case report

Fahri Yetisir*, Afruz Babayeva and Kerim Güzel

Published: 18 May, 2022 | Volume 6 - Issue 1 | Pages: 021-024

Median arcuate ligament syndrome is a rare entity. This clinical condition develops by compression of the root of a celiac artery with the median arcuate ligament. The typical triad of this syndrome is the following; abdominal discomfort and pain, especially after a meal, and weight loss. In diagnosis, other causes should be ruled out and compression must be demonstrated by any type of imaging method. The main principle of treatment is cutting down the median arcuate ligament. A 54-year-old woman presented with untreatable recurrent abdominal pain and was diagnosed with median arcuate ligament syndrome by imaging with angiographic computed tomography. This patient was operated on. We performed laparoscopic division of median arcuate ligament with the retrograde surgical dissection technique. The patient was discharged from the hospital without any complaint on the third day after surgery. She was still symptom-free after 12 months.
The laparoscopic retrograde dissection approach is a safe and feasible treatment modality for median arcuate ligament syndrome.

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Median arcuate ligament syndrome; Celiac artery syndrome; Laparoscopic division of arcuate


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